HKCAHRPP Press Release - 21 September 2006

21 September 2006
For reference:
Eman Villanueva
Tel. No.: 97585935
“Macapagal-Arroyo is another Marcos”
Rights groups in HK join global action against killings
“It’s Martial Law all over again.”
This was declared today by the HK Campaign for the Advancement of Human Rights and Peace in the Philippines (HKCAHRPP) as about 100 people attended the candlelighting and cultural program the group organized today at Star Ferry Pier, Tsim Sha Tsui.
The action was conducted as part of the Global Day of Action vs Political Killings in the Philippines in commemoration of the declaration of Martial Law by former Pres. Ferdinand Marcos in 1972. Martial Law was in effect for more than 10 years and was characterized by widespread human rights violations.
“As we commemorate Martial Law, we remember the victims of human rights violation then and until now under the government of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,” said Eman Villanueva, HKCAHRPP convenor.
HKCAHRPP reported that since 2001, human rights groups in the Philippines have recorded more than 780 cases of extrajudicial killings and around 180 cases of forced disappearance all over the country with victims mainly coming from activist organizations critical of government policies.
“A state of national terror is being implemented in the country nowadays. Nobody is being spared with the killings becoming more and more brazen and repressive laws being institutionalized,” Villanueva reported.
The HKCAHRPP is a group composed of local organizations and individuals in Hong Kong that strive to gather the support of the international community to stop the extrajudicial killings in the Philippines. In July this year, the group organized a Fact Finding Mission in the country to investigate cases of human rights violations.
“The HK Mission for Human Rights and Peace in the Philippines came up with the same findings as numerous other similar international missions organized – human rights violations do exist where elements of the armed forces of the state are the ones involved. Even worse, actions of the government have remained inadequate as proven by the fact that up to now, none of the cases has been resolved,” he added.
HKCARHPP said that they are planning to organize even more actions to popularize the issue in Hong Kong and urge the HK public to take part in solidarity activities to stop the killings in the Philippines.
“GMA is another Marcos. As pressure from the international community played a part in the eventual lifting of Martial Law, the broadening international solidarity and support for the current campaign will also surely force this government to effectively address human rights violations in the country,” Villanueva concluded.#